Below is a little more information about what you can expect from each visit to Olive Chiropractic.


Your First Visit // Initial Consultation

During your first session you will have an in-depth consultation and examination with our chiropractor, Laura. This is designed to find the root cause of your complaint and will include questions to gather information about your current condition, general health and well-being. The examination will include orthopaedic, neurological and chiropractic tests. These will give the chiropractor vital information about the function of your spine, joints and nervous system, to help build an accurate diagnosis and specific plan of care for you.


your second visit // report of findings

During your second visit, Laura will discuss with you her findings and recommend your personal plan of care, based on these and your personal goals. This will set out what you can expect, costs of care and treatment options available to you. If Laura feels chiropractic care is not suitable for you she will recommend referral options at this visit.



If you have not visited a Chiropractor before, we know that you may feel a little apprehensive prior to your first adjustment! But we assure you there is nothing to worry about.

In order to carry out adjustments, we will ask you to lie on a bench (fully clothed) - on your back, side and/or front. Adjustments are not painful, but may feel slightly different to anything you have experienced before. Our highly experienced Chiropractors carry out manipulations on specific parts of your body which can feel like ‘clicks’ or ‘cracks’. Most patients find that they feel a sense of release or relief when adjustments are carried out, and many find the sensation pleasant!

Your Chiropractor will recommend appropriate after-care following your appointments, which may including stretching or icing certain areas.


Ready to start your Chiropractic journey? Claim our New Patient offer!